Another unknown treasure in the heart of Makueni is Mount Kilembwani. Many may not be familiar with this hidden treasure, which offers many scenic views. Mount Kalembwani is a mountain surrounded by two hills opposite it, the Kiou and Kayata hills.
Mount Kilembwani is located in Kilome, Makueni County, Kenya. It can be accessed along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway at Salama town. It is a famous volcanic cone located 101.8 km from Nairobi via Mombasa Road, an approximately 1 hour and 54 minutes drive from Nairobi.
Mount Kilembwani is easily accessible by public transport, private car, or traveling company. The community has owned and taken care of the mountain for the past 10,000 years.
If you visit the place through public transport, the trail will start, off Mombasa Road. With a private vehicle or a traveling company, the trail will start nearer to the hills. They provide parking areas with toilets; you won’t be pressed all the time here; there is a secure place to relieve yourself.
The trail will pass you in a sparsely populated community with homesteads scattered in the plain. The locals are friendly; do not be scared as you walk near the homesteads. As you start to gain elevation, you will have to pass through vegetation consisting of shrubs since this is a dry area.
The hill is famously referred to as an armchair because it is shaped like a sitting armchair. This beautiful mountain can be seen from the road. The view will raise your curiosity about the road and the urge to get closer and have a closer view of the hills.
The trail starts on a dusty path before getting to the rocky section and steep area.
On your trail up the mountain, you will start by climbing the Kiou hill, which is the first one. It is a hill, but it is tough and steep. The terrain is hot and dry; the two hills are approximately 17 km. Be very careful because the trail up the hill consists of loose rocks. The rocks can make you miss a step because they slide once stepped on.
The maximum elevation is approximately 1560 meters above sea level.
Before climbing the hills, if you are accompanied by someone familiar with the area, you will not miss a view of the historical caves. The caves are located down the Kalembwani hill.
The hike is not easy but a moderate one. The hike up the first hill, the Kiou hill, is the toughest. It has slippery sand, which is believed to be a result of the weathering of the volcanic rocks forming the sand.
At the summit of the mountain, you will have a beautiful, clear view of the hills of Kiou and Kayata. On a clear, cloudless day, you will have a view of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the highest mountain in Africa located in Tanzania.
Hiking this mountain offers the same experience as hiking the Sleeping Warrior and Ugali hills in Naivasha, a must-visit destination.
Mount Kalembwani being a scenic area, has a lot of activities to engage in. Some of them are:
1. Nature walk.
During the rainy season, the place has a very beautiful green vegetation cover. You can walk around learning about the different plant species that grow in this area. Some of the plant species you will be seeing for the first time. Therefore, the area offers the right environment for learning about botanical matters.
2. Educational tour
The mountain erupted 10,000 years ago, the volcanic rocks are easily visible for studies. Students and scientists can visit the area to study the rocks and different plant species that grow during the wet season. Without ignoring the scenic view of the place.
3. Photography
The summit of the mountain offers the right views for beautiful photos. The terrain below, the homestead scattered in the plain, is very beautiful. The pattern of the hills is just amazing. Grab the moment to capture the scene and take photos of yourself in the beautiful views.
Mount Kalembwani has a unique history of a rare hostility that happened in the olden days between the Maasai and the Kamba. The unrest state was due to the problem of cattle rustling. This is a common problem in Kenya we have till today but mostly it is in the borders of Narok and West Pokot or between the Maasai and the Tanzania community near the border of Kenya and Tanzania.
During my visit to the mountain, I did not come across any wildlife in the area. The only wildlife available are the small animals like squirrels and lizards, which you will see crossing in the rocks. There are also reptiles like snakes due to the rocks in the area.
You can see the birds there; it is advisable to carry your camera and take photos of birds to study the different species found in Mount Kalembwani.
Related: Hiking Mount Kilimambogo: Distance, Trails, Location
Camping services are offered, but before you plan to come camping here make a deep consultation with the ones in charge. Be sure of the rules and regulations concerning camping and what you need to carry along as you come for camping.
Prepare yourself in advance; carry your sleeping gear, one of them being the sleeping bag; hire a tent; and if you have one better, carry enough food and a cooking stove. Make sure you bring along enough drinking water that will sustain you for the time you plan to stay here. The area is very hot; maximum hydration is highly needed. Do not forget your first aid kit and inquire about your safety while camping in the area; it is very important.
Mount Kalembwani is located in a dry and hot area. The weather conditions are one of the reasons that make it a difficult mountain to hike. The mountain can be visited in any season of the year. The best season, according to me, is the wet season.
The wet season is about April to the cold and windy July. During this period the sun is not hot, therefore hiking will be easier. During this season, you will be able to learn about the different species of plants that grow in the area. This season, the hills and its terrain have a very beautiful vegetation cover.
- Miryam Village Inn Safari Lodge Limited, located in Sultan Hamud a few kilometers from Salama town
- Oloosikitok Hill View Lodge, Samuli, located on Mombasa Road, Emali.
- Kijiji Village, located in Emali.
- Kilima Kiu Manor, located in Malili, Makueni County, 4 km from Malili town before Salama
The Mountain and its surroundings are plastic-free environments; therefore, they encourage you to carry reusable water bottles, and any plastic you bring along, make sure you leave with it.
Join us and book with us as we explore this beautiful place. We have fun and learn together.